Swimmers who always turn at the wall know that flip turns are faster and easier than open turns. Flip turns are what world record holders do. For you to aim for efficiency in swimming, you should learn how to do them because they take the strain out of the shoulders and also add breath control to the workouts. By the way, they are also cool. To do the flip, as you reach the wall, you stretch out your arms just before the wall and turn just before crashing into the wall. The turn should be no slower than the flip. Some tips included in the article for flip turn is to do only somersaults and to bring the heels towards the posterior. Some ways to do the flip are to do dolphin kicks or flutter kicks. But some don’t kick at all. You should experiment with different ways to find out what works for you. But one rule of thumb to follow is not to practice too many flips at a time.
Key Takeaways:
- To the question, are flip turns necessary, the answer is not at all unless you want to shoot for a world record.
- Some advantages of flip turns is that they take some stress out of your arms and shoulders, and give your workouts some breath control.
- If you want to do the flip you should swim to the wall and stretch your arms towards the wall but begin the somersault just before touching the wall.
“There are lots of ways to do that turn, but competitive swimmers all use flip turns – they are faster and, once learned, easier than open turns.”
Read more: https://www.thoughtco.com/flip-turns-for-everyone-3169413
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