Have you been looking for a way to improve your swimming? Then check out this article, “Five Faster Swimming Tips”, by author Mat Luebbers.Here he gives you five tips, plus one bonus tip, that might just help you become a better swimmer.
Luebbers’ quick tips give small adjustments to several different areas of swimming, some you may not have thought about before. He talks about the way you should kick while swimming, expressing where you should put your emphasis during your kick.
Breathing and speed are two other topics he talks about, as he says speed can dictate how good of a workout you’re getting, and the way you breathe can balance out your stroke. Finally, he stresses quite a few times that if you want to get better, you have to get in the water at the very least three times a week.
Key Points:
- Change it up – kicking, breathing, technique, speed – whatever you usually do, try something different.
- Be more focused – point your thumbs or your middle fingers, work on a specific stroke, and swim more!
- Maximize your workout – quality > quantity, focusing on quality will make you a better and faster swimmer.
“If you kick a lot when you are swimming, try kicking less forcefully, with less effort, or kick less per stroke”
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