Okay, so now we are already in the third month of the year and you may be feeling a little guilty. Back in January you vowed that you would turn your fitness life around and get focused, but the typical things started to happen shortly thereafter. Your work life started getting crazy, you got super stressed with family and relationship stuff, and you honestly preferred a solid nap over a hearty work out. If you are like me, you need something significant to inspire you to get into shape, like a New Year’s Resolution, or an upcoming big event like a wedding. So if you have neither on the horizon, it can be hard to drum up the motivation to lace up your sneakers and hit the pavement. Thankfully, it is never too late to make a big change and starting when you don’t have an external deadline can help integrate the idea of working out just being a part of normal life. If you are looking for motivation to make a big change, read this article and learn why today is the perfect day to start!
Read the full article here: Why Now is the Best Time to Make a Big Change
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