Many people are under the impression that the breast stroke is not only the hardest swim stroke to teach, but also the most difficult to engage in. Surprisingly, the butterfly technique actually requires much more energy to complete, because the swimmer has to simultaneously integrate high speed and low speed movements within the same stroke. It also includes several kick strokes such as the dolphin kick in order to complete the entire butterfly technique in the most efficient manner.
Key Takeaways:
- The breaststroke is considered the most difficult swim stroke, but the butterfly stroke takes up much more energy.
- The butterfly stroke is difficult due to it requiring two high-speed strokes and two low-speed strokes simultaneously.
- One similarity between the breast stroke and the butterfly stroke is how both are primarily kick-strokes.
“This season we will produce many upcoming webisodes and write many Aqua Notes on the development of a strong dolphin kick. It is an important subject and there is a lot to discuss and teach.”
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