Imagine you are sitting at a table surrounded by some friends. You all are about to order lunch, and inevitable the healthy-conscious buddy in the group opens up the conversation with a diatribe of which foods on the menu are good for her, and all of you, to eat if you are looking to remain healthy. Another friend suggests that she is going to start cutting carbs anyway because she wants to lose weight and get stronger. Yet another friend suggests that eating carbs can be okay for your diet, as long as you only have a certain amount in certain types of foods. Now the table is erupt with conversation over the possible evils of carbs and when the waiter comes to take orders, you all are more confused than when you started. If this sounds familiar, it is because we actually have a limited understanding about carbs in general. If you are looking for the truth behind carbs and how they affect your body, read this article today!
Read the full article here: Why Some People Can Eat More Carbs Than Others
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